Monday, May 9, 2011

N Yo Bizniz (3rd Edition)


elcome to another edition of NYB!!  As a tribute to Mother’s Day we decided to have a fun edition. We at NYB (Blanket, Nicole, DeathStar and I) comprised a few contests for you to have a chance at winning a private BB session and/or a BC. If these services are not needed by you, we have the friend option. With the friend option you can choose someone who is in need of the services and they can have the prize instead.  The contests consist of a Vamp search, Who Am I, Word puzzle, and of course, the Scavenger Hunt. Details for each contest will follow this brief introduction. Note that only 5 winners will be chosen for each contest. Also there will be a raffle for a chance to win a $10 gift card!!! To be entered into the raffle you need to participate in one or more of the contest. You will be given a number and placed in the drawing. (Note that anyone who does not play will not receive a number, so it is very necessary to turn in answers and follow directions.)And please make sure to take the poll at the very bottom of the page so we will know what you look forward to in each edition and as always feedback and comments are appreciated. (Another quick note, for each game you have the choice of posting your answers on our walls or you can find us in the Palringo room N Yo Bizness and submit it to one of us. That way your answers are safe and no one can use your answers, but the choice is definitely yours.) So I wish you all good luck and have fun.


We always like to include some of the talented and creative writing from the players. Our topics were grasp and betrayal and here’s some of their work. Hope you enjoy and if you like to see your poetry or art in our editions please let us know.

Squeeze my soul to a beautiful hue of purple, hopes and dreams of my own no longer fertile. Hypnotizing me confused and blinded, of only black eyes and fat lips I am reminded.
Anger that I have seen only a mere fracture, of what your wrath holds of rapture.
Rape me but on the nightstand leave your money, drowning my soul as a useless guppy.
Tantalize me with your spun words of potion, I idolize you-my abuser-my devotion.

by Suped3

The stab in the back by the smiling man, the power of Judas in modern hands
The manipulation of events to create pain, the two faced snake-traitors never refrain
From displaying true colors for all to see, the poisonous greens and yellows on that tapestry
Can make many the righteous man's stomach turn, but despite history's warnings we are slow to learn That in the relationships forged over a lifetime, are a million betrayals patiently waiting in line
To create havoc and misery with secrets revealed, and digging up past deeds best left sealed
So be careful with who you choose to confide, for the symptoms of a betrayer are so easy to hide....

Betrayal by Kong King
Its hard to fathom
I mean your reasoning behind it
No matter how many times
I revisit the scene I can't find it
You thief, you liar
You cheated, you snake
Though you got caught
You said it was a mistake
Oh really? It's rather difficult to believe
When you got head in our bed, by some trick on the street
You say sorry, I give a slap to your face
I try to walk away your grip holds me in place
Love meant nothing, love I don't have
You keep saying you love me but that I just can't grasp

by BloodRage

Like all fiction, It was never real
The addiction to you was the whip appeal
The sugar the sweetness I could not resist
I needed you to feel like I do exist
Slit my wrist and there you were
I told myself I'd never get over her
You were the blur to my veins
The oxygen flow to my brain
What happens when the train collides?
With a mountain and a rock slide
You want the answer? Here's a clue
Put your trust in only you
There it was in front of me
Never thought it could be done to me
The love of my life, I got played
I feel so stupid, I feel betrayed
I'm working like crazy to care for us
You’re working your body in the name of lust,
Wrapped in the sheets, hear her passion as she sighs
I'm seeing red mixed with all the lies
I won't cry no matter how much I see
The devil keeps on edging me
Retaliate, yes I want revenge
I want to release the fire that burns within
Just to be me again someday
Hearts turn cold as ice this way
Or turn around and find someone else to betray

by WickedGun

Who Am I?

We want to test your Vampires Live knowledge. We have chosen 5 veteran players to see if you can guess who they are. In this game 3 clues must be answered to win. Hints will be given below.

1.) I am known for my art contests, which included topics like gluttony and fairytale. (Check out the beautiful emoji of Beast from Disney's Beauty and the Beast on my wall.) My name has my Strawberry trademark. I have a Bloodbar and the drinks are served are BERRY delicious! Who am I?  

2.) I am one of the oldest BBs in the game but also one of the youngest in human years. You can enjoy all your drinks 24/7 here at my Tavern :) Should the groundhog see his shadow and retreat back into his burrow, winter will last 6 more weeks. Who am I?

3.) My name means beautiful in Italian, I am a former member of the Elders and Blood Angels. I was the original BB portal and created schedules daily for BBs serving. Please ring the bell for assistance :) Who am I?

4.) I am a former member of the Rocketeers also the founder of Pura Sangre. I helped Viktoria hold trivia nights when our BC board was working. My story, in the bible I was in a Whale for 3 days. Who am I?

5.) I am a shade of the deepest red; many mistake me for love or my uncontrolled appetite for desire. My former name is Kristyn? I gave the shining star award also the brains behind trivia on the BC board. Who am I?

Word Puzzle 

There are two puzzle games below one is artists of songs and the other is of some of the biggest movies of all time. Hints will be given for each set. These are two separate games. (Meaning the same person does not have to answer both sets to win.) The final phrase must also be given with your answers.

Hints for word puzzle

1.) "That he struck you-a crescendo Annie he came into your apartment, he left the bloodstains on the carpet"

2.) "Who's that casting devious stares
in my direction mama this surely
is a dream"

3.) "Show me what he's done to you
stand up little girl, a broken heart can't be that bad"

4.) "Don't you wanna know me? Be a friend of mine, I’ll share some wisdom with you. Don't you ever get lonely, from time to time don't let the system get you down"

5.) "all I know is you came to me when I was at my lowest you picked me up, breathing life in me I owe my life to you"

6.) "She's the one that makes my dreams, they call her Mississippi
But she don't flow to me"

7.) "It's the leap of faith, it's the band of hope. Till we find our place on the path unwinding"

8.) "I know that it’s true, God must have spent...a little more time on you."

9.) "Solemn ponder wander shake shaded with a doubt nightmare full of fear solvent raining from the sky backlog danger hypnotize glass blown eyes"

10.) "Love you every day girl, always on my mind. One thing I can say girl, love you all the time"

Hints for movie puzzle

 1.) You better wake up. The world you live in is nothing but a sugarcoated topping! There is another world beneath it. And if you want to survive it you better learn how to PULL THE TRIGGER!

2.)  Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You are a plague, and we … are the cure.

3.) The infection is spreading faster than anyone could have anticipated

4.)  See, I'm a man of simple tastes. I like dynamite and gunpowder...And gasoline! Do you know what all these things have in common? They're cheap!

5.)  If there is one thing the history of evolution has taught us it's that life will not be contained.

6.)  It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends

7.)  There is a place. Like no place on Earth. A land full of wonder, mystery, and danger! Some say to survive it: You need to be as mad as a hatter.

8.)  Why is the rum always gone?

9.) Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

10.)  These souls, who for whatever reason are not at rest, are also not aware that they have passed on.

Vamp Search 

Vamp Search! Below you will find a list of words. To play, you must go into either Vampires Live or Zombies Live and search the BC board, other player’s walls, etc to find Vamps and Zombies who have names that include one of the words below. Example: word-Momma. You must search games to find this word used in a name. Name found: HotRod MOMMA Mae. When words are found, take a screenshot of the vamp or zombie to show your proof. If you do not have Screenshot capabilities on your phone, ask the person you found to link your wall. Then either link the wall of Nicole, Blanket, Pillow or DeathStar with a "Vamp Search" comment so we are able to verify your findings. Whoever finds the most words will receive a private BB session and the top three winners will also receive BCs. Good luck and Happy Searching!

Words to Find:

Scavenger Hunt 

Last but not least is the Scavenger Hunt! The hunt will be held on May 21st at 12 noon PST. Rules of the Hunt are as follows:

1.) 2 choices for start point (either on Pillow's wall or Blanket's cannot be both, the word "start" must be posted by each player to confirm their participation)

2.) Clues will be given

3.) You must find the link on their wall to find the next clue

4.) Items will be posted on your wall when you find the next clue

5.) To gain the item you must post phrase/clue given from previous item givers

6.) Once finished with the hunt (after all items are gained) the word "finished" must be typed on the wall of where you started


ope you have enjoyed this fun edition. Hopefully we will do more fun editions in the future. Thanks from the staff of NYB!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

N Yo Bizniz (Second Edition)

Hope everyone got a chance to check out our very first edition of N Yo Bizniz and hope everyone enjoyed. This is our second edition and  we took a poll on the first edition to see what people would like to see in our articles and the majority asked for game strategy and advice. So we have comprised a walkthrough of Vampires Live and Zombies Live.  A few tips and hints were added also. We just packed a whole bunch of info in this one hoping that it is useful. There will also be a guide to being a Blood Bar. If wanted we will do a walkthrough of other Storm8 games if we get feedback. (Hope you know where to find us) Also N Yo Bizniz had its very first poetry contest, (not as easy as I thought lots of work, you all need to get to know these wonderful writers); the Topics to choose from were Greed and Endure. After a very long deliberation and being at a standstill, we reached a conclusion that two of the entries for greed were equally great and therefore resulted in a tie. So big congratulations to the winners and a very special thank you to all who entered. (Angel J, Barnabus Collins, King of the Volcano, Lilith, Lion of Judah, Lost Angel, Nicole, Reyna, Sir Loinsteak, The Queen,  Truly Heartless Void, and Mib aka CaveBaby) Make sure to keep an eye out because we will have an article with some of the best creative writing soon. Also make sure to check out the poll at the bottem of the page, we collect those for ideas for other editions and feedback is always appreciated. With that being said, hope you enjoy the second edition!

And the Winner is!!!...
Winners for Greed

Tonight I must feed
A powerful lust I beg to need
My whole undead being throbbing of greed
The blood I spill
My body hot with each and every kill
I offer no blood so to no one I kneel
This is mine I share not a drop
Tonight my victim an innocent cop
No never I won’t stop
I feel to good when I take what's not mine
I love to gorge on carnage and fine dine
I won’t stop even if I cross the line
My face covered in blood
My body soaked with mud
I follow a cent lingering like a rose bud
How many will I kill to satisfy me
What will it take to set me free
No its a hopeless thought cause it will never be
Tonight I must feed
A powerful lust I beg to need
by Truly Heartless Void


Hungry eyes for something more
A burning yearning in the very core
This instinct for taking cannot be ignored
In these modern times it’s stronger than before
 A powerful need unlike any other
What’s possessed is not enough-it always needs another
To fill gaping emptiness and plug the void
A trap that's tricky for selfish minds to avoid
To turn away from temptation and leave it alone
The sin that all must wish to atone
For the pain we have caused by envious deeds
As we all have indulged in our own selfish needs
Such is the all-consuming nature of greed
Greed by King of the Volcano

Winner for Endurance


Holding on by a thread, clinging so tight
Struggling to make it, weak from the fight
Gasping for breath, hope starts to fade
Haunted by dues you've already paid
Then there's a spark, a beacon of hope
Deep inside you realize you'll learn to cope
Blood rushes in, heart resumes its beat
You begin to overcome the impossible feat
Eyes wide open, grab life by the reign
You start to be thankful for what you learned from the pain
Comfort arrives, as does soulful peace
The fear is gone, panic has ceased
Beauty now shines where it was never before
Light fills the darkness, You've learned to endure
Endure by Nicole

Becoming a BB on Vamps Live 101 by Blanket

loodbars also known as ATMs are players who drop most, if not all of their abilities and let others attack for free blood without repercussions. Some keep their looted abs because they're hard to acquire.
There are several different types of bloodbars; 24/7 + Events, Event Only, Special Events etc...
Being a bloodbar, you'll need great income, a plethora of health, plenty of advertising for your events and a solid win/loss ratio. 

It's recommended that you have at least $1mill per level however, more is always better. Keep in mind that occasionally you will need to arm up for wins. Payouts drop when your win/loss ratio is roughly around 16-17% Wins/ (wins + losses) = ratio. Having a lot of health helps you stay alive longer when numerous players are attacking you. I suggest completing the cavern missions as well. They unlock the ambulance which is half the cost of healing. Advertising/broadcasting in advance helps spread the word that you will be online and healing consistently at a specific time. Open signs help your clan to know when you are healing. Closed signs help let your clan know they need to stop attacking.

Considering the bb world and wanting to know more? Please join group  "VL Drink Factory" on Palringo

The Walkthrough by PHP
Vampire Class
Berserker: Regenerates Health Faster
Overlord: Earns Blood Faster
Daywalker: Regenerates Energy Faster

*my suggestion is to choose overlord to build income faster*

Skill Points

3 skill points are given each time you level. What you do with them is your choice, however they can be used to increase health (which is good if you want to become a Blood Bar), energy (if you want to complete missions), frenzy (good for giving wins, farming), attack (adding extra advantage to attacking), and defense (add extra advantage to defense). As you can see there are five types of skill, (attack, defense, frenzy, energy, and health each cost 1 skill point, except for frenzy which requires 2). Once skill points are used they cannot be redone (so choose wisely).

*Quick note if you are not planning on becoming a Blood Bar, you might not want to invest those skill points in health, lots of health means more players attacking, more health may be useful in higher levels. (Once again...choose wisely)*


Slaves are a source of income in the game. Each slave that you buy adds to your income. Slaves can be sold, but you only get back half for what you paid for them. To stop from adding slaves that may be slow in increasing
blood flow, try buying the higher slaves and with what blood is left buying the lower income slaves. This will help with building income.

*One neat thing about buying slaves is that you can buy extra defense to ward off
zombie attacks (don't know if there's a limit on them. You have your Grave Digger (no upkeep) which gives +1 defense for each against zombie attacks and your Flesh Hungry Beast (10,000 blood upkeep each) which gives +15 defense for each against zombie attacks. It would be wise to invest in these*

Income (Blood)

Income is how much blood you earn each cycle. (Every 50 minutes or so, depending on the class of vampire you have chosen).


There are three categories of abilities; Physical, Sensory, and Transformation. These are used for attacking and defending. Some have upkeep as you increase in level. The best to get if you want your vamp to be the strongest for your level are the abilities with the highest amount of defense and/or attack.

*Remember that each clan member uses 1 ability from each category. So there’s no reason to buy more than what is needed for your level (your level times 5). Also each ability is used automatically. If you do not have the amount of clan for your level, ONLY purchase abs for the few that you have. (I see players at different levels with a thousand of every ability they can possibly afford and for what? Sharp claws won't help in a battle even if you have a million of them. Just saying...)*


Upkeep is required for certain abilities. (Mostly as your level increases and the higher abilities) it is taken from your income each time income is produced (income cycles are mainly every 50 minutes to an hour). Make sure that you have enough income, if not, you will be given a negative blood flow and abilities will be sold until your blood flow is again in the positive.


Missions help to gain experience, blood, and to also level. Missions require energy, clan size, certain abilities and levels. To access unlocked missions, level increases are required.

*Just some friendly advice, do not be so quick in leveling, build your income so that you may be able to afford the best abilities (Upkeep is overpriced in higher levels), make sure that you will be able to afford what you may need*


Fighting other players can help you gain either experience or blood. This is also the same for them attacking you, so remember to keep health low if you have blood out. I do not advise banking money but that is to your choosing. (Banking money takes 10% to deposit, it’s less blood taken to actually be attacked). To attack or be attacked you have to have at least 27 in health and 1 frenzy point to initiate an attack. This means that even when you are not on the game you can be attacked as long as you have the minimum amount of health available.


Attacking is based on attack ability. To have good attack ability you buy the highest given in abilities for your level. Skill points can be used to add attack bonus, but it is up to your choosing. Sometimes to be stronger in attack it is necessary to purchase more than one ability in each Category (Physical, Sensory, and Transformation) Remember that when attacking it is only you attacking and not your clan.


Defense is based on defense ability. To have good defense you buy the highest given in abilities for your level. Skill points can be used toward defense, but that is to your choosing. When a player attacks and is able to get pass your defense, check his attacking ability in each ability category. (Physical, Sensory, and Transformation) when defending your clan (5 times your level) is used and each clan member uses one defense ability from each category (Physical, Sensory, and Transformation), which will be the highest defense ability you have available.
Zombie Class

Savage: Gains Flesh faster
Brute: Heals faster
Fiend: Gains Energy faster

*my suggestion would be to become a savage to build income quicker*

Income (Flesh)

Traps are a source of income in the game. Each trap that you buy adds to your income. Traps can be sold, but you only get back half for what you paid for them. To stop from adding traps that may be slow in increasing flesh, try buying the higher traps and with what flesh is left buying the lower income traps. This will help with building income.

*just like buying defense slaves for vamps that can be used to help against zombie attacks, defense traps can be bought to help with attacks against vampires. Graveyard Traps (no upkeep) gives +5 defense for each against vampire attacks and Solarium Traps (also no pesky upkeep) gives +50 defense for each against vampire attacks. Once again it's a wise investment*


There are three categories of abilities; Action, Enhancement, and Regenerative. These are used for attacking and defending. Some have upkeep as you increase in level. The best to get if you want your zombie to be the strongest for your level are the abilities with the highest amount of defense and/or attack.

*Remember that each clan member uses 1 ability from each category. So there’s no reason to buy more than what is needed for your level (your level times 5). Also each ability is used automatically.*

Upkeep is required for certain abilities. (Mostly as your level increases and the higher abilities) it is taken from your income each time income is produced (income cycles are mainly every 30 minutes to an hour). Make sure that you have enough income, if not, you will be given a negative income and abilities will be sold until your income is again in the positive. Meaning until your debt is paid.


Missions help to gain experience, flesh, and to also level. Missions require energy, horde size, certain abilities and levels. To access unlocked missions, level increases are required.


Fighting other players can help you gain either experience or flesh. This is also the same for them attacking you, so remember to keep health low if you have flesh out. I do not advise banking money but that is to your choosing. (Banking money takes 10% to deposit, its less flesh taken to actually be attacked) To attack or be attacked you have to have at least 27 health and 1 rage point to initiate an attack. This means that even when you are not on the game you can be attacked as long as you have the minimum amount of health available.


Attacking is based on attack ability. To have good attack ability you buy the highest given in abilities for your level. Skill points can be used to add attack bonus, but it is up to your choosing. Sometimes to be stronger in attack it is necessary to purchase more than one ability in each Category (Action, Enhancement, and Regenerative). Remember that when attacking it is only you attacking and not your horde.


Defense is based on defense ability. To have good defense you buy the highest given in abilities for your level. Skill points can be used toward defense, but that is to your choosing. When a player attacks and is able to get pass your defense, check his attacking ability in each ability category. (Action, enhancement, and Regenerative.) When defending your horde (5 times your level) is used and each horde member uses one defense ability from each category, which will be the highest defense ability you have available.
Other 411 by PHP

Hitlist and Deathlist

oth quite similar, (Hitlist is used on Vampires Live and Deathlist is used on Zombies Live) is a way of having a bounty on your head and a person can put out a contract (add you to the Hitlist/Deathlist) for a price. Depending on your level, defense, and amount of health is how quickly you are killed on the Hitlist/ Deathlist. It is also possible to win fights while listed. Storm8 put a cap on the Hitlist/ Deathlist which means you can add a player to be listed 25 times, but the max is set to a 200 max per player (more like an equivalent of being max hitlisted by 8 players in total). Once you max Hitlist/ Deathlist you will get a notification that you can't list them until tomorrow (which I believe is 24 hours). This feature is for all players. One good thing about the Hitlist/ Deathlist is it gives experience. The Hitlist cost a minimum of 10,000 blood to use and the Deathlist cost 120 flesh minimum.

*make sure that you know that if you Hitlist/ Deathlist attackers or farmers, it gives them what's called a soft link (non permanent link, but a way to find you better)*

ow does the clan/horde thing work? Well this is the basic easy term, for each level you are able to use five more players. This means for each level you add five more in defense and attack abilities. There is a spreadsheet that you can use to help select the best attack and defense, slaves to build income, and other info. (look up you must be registered, look for spreadsheet, and you must have access to excel to use the spreadsheet).

*Also (almost forgot) when you fight or battle, level of members in your clan doesn't have any relevance.*
or the most part I’ve seen many people make this one same big mistake, if you are attacked by someone, why must you respond on their walls? If someone is unfamiliar to you the worst thing you can do is hand over a link. You’d be surprised how many players willingly give links to unfriendly foes. One thing I have learned to do is before actually responding, if you choose to respond, check out the player, here’s a few things to take notice of:

1.) If you see posts from other players asking why are you attacking me? What’s your problem? Stop attacking me you dirty senseless son of a bitch!!! (lmao okay maybe not the last one)

2.) Check stats (troublemakers get hitlisted a lot)

3.) See if you see other familiar players on their wall, you can ask them how well they know this player

4.) Find out if friends or people who have links to you are having issues with anyone (most of the time they have found your link on someone else’s wall)

*It has come to my attention that some are not aware of what a link is ( that's ok I'm here for you). Anytime you respond to another person, with words, letters, or symbol you leave a portal that can be used to get to your wall. (Hope that makes sense)*


There are a few ways to camp. Camping is when you allow your vamp/zombie to be inactive for the purpose of building income. To do this some strip their vamp/zombies of all abilities that have upkeep. Now to do that it is a must to keep health low at all times. (Helps with chances of being attacked a lot or farmed.) You can also camp with just having defense or abilities with little to no upkeep. (I personally have camped keeping my defense and I am a level 52 with over 500 mil income but the choice is yours.)


As far as leveling goes there's no true best way to do so. You have to find what works for you by doing missions, attacking other members (which could get you in some trouble), or hitting up blood bars (make sure you know their rules and it's ok to attack or again...trouble). One thing you do not want to do is level quickly if you don’t have good income. Nothing worse than leveling and finding out that you can’t even afford proper defense (higher level abilities have overpriced upkeep don't forget). This leaves you vulnerable for being attacked and farmed until you are able to fix you income and abilities (which depending upon how bad the shape you're in can take a while to fix).

With the right tools and knowledge your vamp/zombies can become very strong. You can build and develop them the way you see fit. The best way to have strong vamps and zombies is to build them from a lower level on up, a lot of times players are not aware of what to do and make bad choices. (I was one of those players lmao) Hopefully this guide will be helpful to some and good gaming!

Special N Yo Bizniz Bulletin
t has come to my attention that a certain person has been doing his very own version of flashing people on pal (Palringo for those unaware). (I was actually going to joke about him opening a pretend trench coat but that’s just sick) Hopefully we together can somewhat control what happens in our rooms. The reasons why things of this nature happen are of many reasons. Let me just say this, if you know that someone has wronged you in this way the worst thing you can do is not do anything about it. You can stop others from having to go through the ordeal. I normally do not do articles like this, but something of this nature needs attention. So I have decided to provide a list of things to remember to secure you from assholes like this.
1.)    Do not add contacts that you don’t know (ask around if you are unsure)

2.)    Be careful not to talk to unfamiliar people (many odd people add rooms, they do not talk or introduce themselves)

3.)    Be careful of showing pictures of yourself to others and in rooms (keep in mind that predators are everywhere)
4.)    Remember people are not always who they appear to be (it is a sad fact that people lie, even those who claim to be friends)

5.) If you or someone you know feel as though someone has violated you in some form (nude pictures, uncomfortable conversation, etc.), and these things were unwanted, please contact  (make sure to list as much info as you can, screen shots will be a plus and even their User ID)

Monday, February 14, 2011

N Yo Bizniz (First Edition)

Welcome to the very first edition of N Yo Bizniz! Hope everyone enjoys. Since Valentine’s Day marks our start, we have comprised a few articles on love. One article focusing on the different meanings of Valentine’s Day. What are beliefs of men and women on this day of love, flowers, and candy? (Don’t forget the teddy bears or you’re toast fellas) The other article focuses on the hard question of a woman choosing to either take the initiative by letting her feelings known by making the first move or allowing him the traditional method of waiting until the man makes the first move. Which choice will she make? I’m not going to tell you read the article!
What is Valentine’s Day? By Blanket
n the dictionary, Valentine’s Day means a day for exchange of Valentine's and other tokens of affection...but to others, it means something much more or much less.
RoadKill says, “It’s a Hallmark Holiday, nothing else." His wife responds, "I'd rather get something just because than on a fake holiday." A match made in heaven if you ask me ;) NightsDesire comments that "It’s a shitty day for singles" but Lady Labella begs to differ, "I love Valentine's day whether I'm with someone or may be over commercialized, but what holiday isn’t anymore?" and then there's Please Sophie with, "Valentine’s day is based on Valentinus, the religious person who taught a Guards daughter how to read and left a note before he was killed. So how does that become a lover’s holiday? And the thought of giving some one cut and dying flowers as a gift is another weird one to me, why not a rose bush that’s alive; A symbol of life and renewed beauty?” I know right? She made me think too!
However, Sophie wishes all sweethearts their time in the sun, "their chance." As for Hunter, well he answered my question with a question (figures lmao) "V-day is about lovers, so doesn't love come best from the heart? I'm not saying not to buy gifts for the one you love, but realize what loving someone truly means. Knowing that person is your soulmate and even in your last breath, you'd give it just to make them happy.  Now that you've been N THEIR Bizness, I'll let you in MINE.....
                I'll admit I wasn't always a fan of "V-day" simply because heartache and I were always the best of friends. And then...I met him. He showed me I could trust again, I'm not afraid with him. He was very patient and waited until I was ready, ready to give my heart as he gave his. And so I tell you what V-day means to me now...Well, Hunter made a valid point when he said, "if he can do it one day, then he's capable of doing it every day" and because of him, Valentine’s Day isn't just Feb. 14th, it is every day for me... Every day he reminds me how much he loves and adores me. I don't need gifts of any sort to show me, for I have the best gifts of all; his heart and his unconditional love. It is about love, both giving and receiving. It takes two hearts beating to the same song for love to blossom beautifully.
To those of you who haven't found "the one" who makes you smile, makes you laugh...even makes your heart flutter, don't give up..I don't believe we find love. I believe love finds us....and true love is worth the wait.

 Should I Make The First Move? By Plush Lips

y family has traditional (old fashion) beliefs about relationships. I was taught that it is a man's place to pursue a woman and the woman's duty to lead him on a merry chase! Women are a prize, undervalued if obtained too easily.
                "Relationship experts" often agree that men are hunters by nature, designed to instinctively respond to the challenge of an attractive, elusive woman. What they don't consider is that many women view men as a prize too. This viewpoint makes it difficult for some to wait for the prize they desire to eventually notice them and then run from their prize before "reluctantly" allowing themselves to be caught.
 I've never considered behaving in a manner inconsistent with traditional belief. But, I've met and developed a connection with one terrific prize of a man. Our relationship is based on friendship and mutual admiration. In order to explore the possibility of it developing into something deeper, one of us must make the first move.
I'm a modern, confident woman. I COULD ask him out. But SHOULD I? Unable to answer that question alone, I turned to my helpful clan mates. 50 clan members responded to my request for advice. More women (8) than men (2) cautioned me against making the first move. Patricia advised, "Of course you can ask him out. But I recommend you don't. Men are so not bashful. If they want you, they're gonna go after you. If they aren't after you, they're just not there...yet! But you can help him get there. Let him know you are receptive. Decide what you're willing to do to hook him in and go from there."
I'll admit the traditionalist in me enjoyed her advice. I'm old school, I believe that a man should lead, be the head of the house. I don't believe in bossing my man. I prefer to offer my opinion then respect whatever decisions he makes.  One man made an interesting point against women making the first move. He confided that his experiences have made him wary of their motives. Women that have aggressively pursued him have been less interested in his happiness and more interested in their personal gain. Yikes!
                A majority of both women (25) and men (15) encouraged me to make the first move. Many commented that men are not mind readers and are more likely to give women what they want if they simply tell them. Bloodfude added, "We can appreciate if someone wants us enough to tell us. It feels pretty damn good." Loki 8) cautioned, "Men aren't put off by assertive women. But I think cockiness looks as bad on a woman as it does on a man, so be careful."
                I don't have space to include all of the advice I received. But, I am grateful for my concerned clan members. Each of them put considerable thought into their responses and showed genuine interest in helping me.
                So, what have I decided to do? I will make my interest more clear to my obviously not a psychic friend. But, contrary to the majority of advice, I won't make the first move. I have to stay true to my desire to let the man lead and respect his decisions. Cross your fingers for us.

The Impact of Storm8 Changes by Hunter Phoenix
t wasn't too long ago when Storm8 decided to implement sudden changes to their games like the clan cap that caused a rush of confusion and anger in all of its games. These changes left players in the game with a question of why. Was it to get rid of the Blood Bars? Blood Bars have helped serve blood for players, help them to grow clans also. Their help has always been voluntary and not one of obligation, the clan cap has caused older players to not be able to add new players, which if we all remember when we started out how difficult the game was without knowing anyone or any guidelines. Don’t just take my word for it, read what the players have to say. Players like Itchy Gloomy from Vampires Live say, "BC's have killed the game. Clan cap can be overcome, but the BC board was strictly done to destroy BB's. Storm 8 was spiteful in their endeavors to make peeps BUY things from the elders."  Slam69 (VL code: 3R63F7) who plays Vampires Live and Zombies says, “Game is boring since changes… I hardly check on it anymore since I can only see a few clan mates BCs.”
The broadcast system changes caused players to lose touch with one another, many sharing upcoming event knowledge, broadcasting of players who were in need of members, some sharing their beautiful art and poetry, it was a way for everyone to share with many. As for new players, unless you go link hopping, the opportunity to develop and get to know new people has become a task.  Longtime player of Vampires Live, also a player of the teamlava games, FangFairy states, “I am mad that s8 hasn't fixed VL issues. I have teamlava games but they get boring quickly and not the same. I want VL back… Just want s8 to fix slow BC and not limit players. I started 2 1/2 yrs ago and paid for LP so I enjoy the game but it's not the same without players. I emailed s8 a few times but no replies.”
Along with frustration, players became fed up and decided to show Storm8 that they weren't willing to take these changes lying down. Many came together to do a ban which players would take a day or more off from playing the game, there was a petition idea, and even reviews given. Needless to say the tactics went without any response from Storm8. Countless of emails were sent to Storm8 with many receiving bullshit automated replies, seemed as though Storm8 could care less. Miblackula, another player of Vampires Live, a good writer and Broadcaster says, "A few days ago I wrote s8 an email asking them if they plan to do anything about the state of the BC board. They responded saying they were working on the issue and they were trying to find a way to handle people with large clan counts. I personally think that's crap."

In my personal opinion, I believe that Storm8 never had or has any intention of finding a solution to satisfy its players. I believe that they wanted to force older players to quit and put Blood Bars out of business in order for people to spend money. I believe that Storm8 began to lose focus on their games and focus on ways to make more money with new games under Teamlava. (Restaurant, Bakery, Farm and City Story games) These games, like those created by Storm8, are supposed to be online social games, whose purpose is for socializing and meeting new people. Their actions hurt many players, old and new causing some players to quit, venture out to other games, or find other means of interesting social aspects, like the newly popular different creation of rooms on Palringo. The upside, however, is that players are determined to keep in touch and continue what Storm8 changes almost destroyed. And that is what it's all about.
Jackass Achievement by Hunter Phoenix

ongrats to the lovely couple, (A lady of some sorts and a no mercy kinda guy), who will be soon tying the knot. Now it was said that the past relationship this jackass (the merciless fellow) was in, he couldn't hack, due to his deep feelings affecting his personal life. Wow...well I hope the bride to be isn't expecting him to actually care or a divorce will be the next story in N Yo Bizniz. So this achievement is all yours buddy! *thumbs up* you truly are a jackass...
War Stories by Hunter Phoenix

n the war front, TDC is going heads up with Anonymous, though TDC claims to be winning the battle, sources (wanted to remain...Anonymous, lol get it? I crack myself up! Why am I the only one laughing...tough crowd) say TDC are hiding on TDC walls, that Anonymous never quits or fears anyone. Bizzness of TDC says, “The no linking is how I roll and that Anon is losing this war against TDC." So who will be the victor? *watches closely eating popcorn*

In other war news:

War Devils are at war with Vendetta. (Love that movie btw!) Forsaken is taking on Black Ryders. I don't know much more than that but perhaps I'll hear more before the next issue of N Yo Bizniz.